Why buy the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra: The Pros and Cons

Mobile Shark Limited
4 min readNov 26, 2023

As the technological juggernauts continually push the boundaries of innovation, Samsung has once again stepped into the limelight with its latest flagship release, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. This powerhouse device promises a plethora of cutting-edge features and advancements, but like any smartphone, it comes with its share of pros and cons. In this comprehensive review, we’ll dissect the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to unveil the strengths that make it a marvel and the shortcomings that might give potential buyers pause.

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
image credit: samsung.com

Pros of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra:

  1. Stunning Display Technology: The Galaxy S24 Ultra boasts a jaw-dropping display that showcases Samsung’s prowess in screen technology. With a Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 6.8-inch display and a 1440 x 3200 pixel resolution, the visuals are nothing short of spectacular. The 120Hz refresh rate ensures silky-smooth scrolling and enhanced responsiveness, making every interaction with the device a pleasure.
  2. Impressive Camera Setup: One of the standout features of the Galaxy S24 Ultra is its camera system. The device is equipped with a versatile quad-camera setup, featuring a high-resolution primary sensor, an ultra-wide lens, a periscope telephoto lens with impressive zoom capabilities, and a depth sensor. The advanced imaging technology, coupled with improved low-light performance and AI enhancements, makes the Galaxy S24 Ultra a photography powerhouse.
  3. Powerful Performance: Under the hood, the Galaxy S24 Ultra doesn’t disappoint. Powered by the latest Snapdragon or Exynos processor (region-dependent) and equipped with ample RAM, the device handles multitasking, gaming, and resource-intensive applications with ease. The seamless performance ensures a lag-free user experience, even with the most demanding tasks.
  4. Large Battery Capacity with Fast Charging: To keep up with the device’s powerful features, Samsung has equipped the Galaxy S24 Ultra with a sizable battery. The 5,000mAh capacity provides ample endurance for a full day of usage. Additionally, the inclusion of fast charging technology ensures that users can quickly replenish their battery when needed, minimizing downtime.
  5. Elegant Design and Build Quality: The Galaxy S24 Ultra continues Samsung’s tradition of crafting premium and aesthetically pleasing devices. The combination of glass and metal gives the device a sleek and elegant appearance, while the attention to detail in design elements, such as the camera module and the placement of buttons, reflects a commitment to craftsmanship.

Cons of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra:

  1. Hefty Price Tag: As with many flagship devices, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra comes with a premium price tag. The top-tier features and cutting-edge technology justify the cost for some, but it might be a barrier for those looking for a more budget-friendly option. The device’s hefty price may place it out of reach for a significant portion of the market.
  2. Large and Heavy Form Factor: While the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s expansive display is a pro for many, it contributes to the device’s overall size and weight. Some users may find the smartphone to be too large for comfortable one-handed use, and its weight may be a concern for those who prefer lightweight devices.
  3. In-Screen Fingerprint Sensor: While the in-screen fingerprint sensor is a convenient feature, it may not be as fast or accurate as traditional capacitive fingerprint sensors. Users who prioritize speed and reliability in biometric authentication methods may find the in-screen fingerprint sensor to be a slight drawback.
  4. Potential for Bloatware: Samsung has been known to pre-install a variety of apps on its devices, some of which may be considered bloatware by users who prefer a cleaner, more streamlined experience. While many of these apps can be uninstalled or disabled, their presence out of the box might be a minor inconvenience for some users.
  5. Limited Software Update Duration: Despite Samsung’s commitment to providing software updates, flagship devices like the Galaxy S24 Ultra may receive updates for a limited duration compared to some competitors. This could be a concern for users who prioritize long-term software support and the latest features.


The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra stands at the pinnacle of smartphone technology, offering a host of features that cater to power users and smartphone enthusiasts. From its mesmerizing display and impressive camera system to its powerful performance and elegant design, the Galaxy S24 Ultra is undeniably Samsung’s 2024 flagship smartphone marvel.

However, the device is not without its drawbacks, with its premium price tag, large form factor, and potential for bloatware being factors that could influence a user’s decision. As with any flagship smartphone, the choice ultimately comes down to individual preferences, budget considerations, and the specific features that matter most to the user such as the ability to fantastic photos.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra stands as a testament to the possibilities of mobile technology. Whether it’s the device of your dreams or not, there’s no denying the impact it has on pushing the boundaries of what a smartphone can achieve.

NOTE: The pros and cons are based on preliminary information as of 25/11/23 and therefore could be incomplete or inaccurate and are subject to change.



Mobile Shark Limited

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